Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bow Chicka Bow Bow

Hey Ladies
Originally uploaded by Uncle Mikey.
There's something about those Bush girls that I like, especially the one in the middle. I had an encounter with the ones on either side during a Christmas party at La Zona Rosa in Austin years ago. I had just met my wife and we were both invited to a Christmas karaoke party there, and about halfway through the Bush twins and their friends barged in and took over the stage for a while, butchering a number of songs before I felt it necessary to approach them and ask if they'd do me a favor.

I didn't know who they were at the time, but I did know they were making ears bleed, so I asked the leader of the pack (Jenna, it turned out) if she'd do me a favor. "Sure," she said, her underage face flushed with liquor and vocal torture. "Promise me you'll never sing in public again," I deadpanned. She looked a little stricken, which one of the other girls with them enjoyed so much she grabbed my hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor where I gimped through a semblance of swing dancing, twirling and spinning until my future wife came back from the bathroom.

Now I've been in this situation before, and when I saw my date approaching, I prepared myself to console a weeping or raging date and explain how my dancing with a drunken teenage girl at my date's Christmas party came about. But my wife marched up, slapped the offending hand off my arm, and dragged me away from there. That's when I knew she was the girl for me. When she tells the story, it's about the time "he shamed me in front of the people I worked with."

That was the first and last time I Karaoked, and I think my friend Shay J. and I did fairly decent impresssions of Willie Nelson and Julio Yglesias while performing, "To All the Girls I've Loved Before."

Picture from Wizbang

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