Thursday, October 14, 2004

I Heard It, I Heard It, I Heard It on the Mobile IPod Radio Station in the Car ahead of Me

From the Peeve Farm, a post about pirate radio operated right from your car, using an Ipod and an FM transmitter.

"While Tim Lynch is wading through traffic on the way to his New Canaan, Conn., corporate consulting job, he may be the only person on the Merritt Parkway wearing a grin.

"That's because he's a kind of radio pirate. And with the iPod, Apple's innovative digital music player, all it takes to hijack the airwaves is a car and a bumper sticker.

"Lynch, 31, is one of a handful of iPod owners using the device to transmit FM radio stations from their car. He uses a bumper sticker on the back of his fender that reads 'iPod @ 89.1 FM' to let passers-by know how to tune in.

"'Every now and then I get someone who flashes their lights or I get a wave as I turn away,' said Lynch. 'It's just fun.'"

Awesome. Now that's what I call musical democracy.

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