Friday, October 15, 2004

Easy on the Heroin, Austin

From Tim L. in Denver, a news story:

"AUSTIN, Texas -- Thirty-four people have died so far this year in Travis County from a heroin overdose, up from 23 last year. Authorities believe a particularly potent strain of heroin being smuggled into the United States and circulating on the streets of the Texas Capital is partly to blame for the highest number of heroin deaths in Austin since 1992.

"'We go through this periodically,' Austin Police Cmdr. Harold Piatt said. 'The heroin being sold on the street is too strong for some people to take and when you shoot it into your arm, it's too late.'"

I'm not sure heroin users are terribly likely to change their behavior based on the advice of a Police Commander, but Harold says chill, baby.

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