Monday, June 26, 2006

Hell Yeah

New and most excellent White House Press Secretary Tony Snow Treasury Secretary John Snow lays the smackdown on Bill Keller of the New York Treason Times:

You have defended your decision to compromise this program by asserting that "terror financiers know" our methods for tracking their funds and have already moved to other methods to send money. The fact that your editors believe themselves to be qualified to assess how terrorists are moving money betrays a breathtaking arrogance and a deep misunderstanding of this program and how it works. While terrorists are relying more heavily than before on cumbersome methods to move money, such as cash couriers, we have continued to see them using the formal financial system, which has made this particular program incredibly valuable.

The New York Times is dead to me. If it were a person, I'd punch it in the face.

OOPSDATE: Not Tony Snow, who is indeed awesome, Treasury Secretary John Snow. And I got the link from Ace, who though it was Tony first. My bad for not double checking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always go out of my way when approached to sign up for the ny times to let them know they suck along with babs streisand