Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back in the Day

Good Times
Originally uploaded by Uncle Mikey.
Before my lovely wife Deirdre and I got married back in 2002, a wedding shower was thrown for us by her employer and our friend Shay J., who wore a really fantastic faux snakeskin suit and presided over the shower and our wedding the next month.

I was trying for John Lennon a la Sgt. Pepper's, while D demonstrated she's a beauty in any era. What a blast we had, and special thanks to David G., who wasn't really in the mood but came anyway. Love that guy, and now he's a daddy! I he doesn't mind I'll post a pic of Sadie Rose here soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a costume? I remember seeing you at the "manhole cover" bar and grill and thought your dick brush was sexy.
p.s. the sore healed so do not worry.