Thursday, November 04, 2004

Never Again

Another Lucianne hit, this one by R. Emmett Tyrell of the American Spectator. Listen, I don't want to kick Kerry when he's down. I'm not really mad at him but at the people who should have known better than to toss him up there and hope for the best. But we have got to be surgical about the future, and that means taking a long hard look at the people we are working with in this country, and that means we have to look seriously at their candidate for president. Kerry was the worst, most disastrous pick I could have imagined between Dean, Clark, Gephardt, Hillary, Lieberman and Kerry. Even Bob Kerrey would have been a better choice, and he's a suspected war criminal (I'll never understand why Kerry doesn't have that problem with the press: he has openly admitted to being one before Congress: "I shot in free fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine [gun] bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions, and burned villages. All of these acts are contrary to the laws of the Geneva Convention."). So we must read things like this to solidify with in ourselves the resolve to not let men like John Kerry get anywhere near the presidency of the United States. We deserve better options than the ones we've had the last 16 years.

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