Thursday, February 08, 2007

Amazing Furniture

I don't know what's cooler, the couch or the table. I love both of them.


Anonymous said...

I have seen the table before and the student chair design project was rather interesting. Back pack it with you so you and all the strangers have a place to sit in public.

Anonymous said...

I don't think either of those are as good as the love toilets. I forget the exact name but the commodes that face each other so the loving couple need never be apart,even when making poopoo.

Anonymous said...

agreed! watching each other dump is the most romantic "we love each other" scenario a couple can be in save for going the extra mile and both obtaining the "executive" fro cut and then sitting on the "love dumper".

Anonymous said...

this will beat all comers......please someone swab my bed sores and empty the pan because I'm surfin'